Which is why I support clients with an organic blend of the Western world via biology, science and psychology, paired with the Eastern world via energy work, spirituality and magic. 

in your life and career is not black and white either. 










The world is not black and white, and I know from experience that your path to 

I’m a nature girly and city girly. I love exploring in the mountains, drinking mushroom tea and talking about all things spiritual, but also getting dressed up in the city, treating my inner foodie and dancing the night away.

As someone who has always had high ambitions, lived everywhere from New Zealand to Texas, and studied the human body, mind and soul for decades, it’s safe to say I realized a long time ago that I never fit into a box. 

I have been an entrepreneur and coach for over 12 years, and have now entered my next evolution of business, this time, incorporating everything from my background in a unique - dare I say magical - technique to help high achieving women feel peace and achieve greatness. 

Hi, I'm 

I truly believe that my purposeon earth is to help raise the vibrational frequency of humanity.

vibrational frequency
I moved to the Bronx when I was 18 years old to attend Fordham University (from a town in the middle of Missouri)
Former Personal Trainer with a background in Bodybuilding & Crossfit 

Currently Reformer & Mat Pilates Certified (more my speed of workouts these days)

Integrative Medicine & Naturopathic Studies (Austin, TX & Byron Bay, Australia) 

I’m the daughter of a scientist & a doctor (Yes, PubMed is in my bookmarks bar)

Former Professional Dancer (NBA & NHL)

I love fostering dogs and kittens

I prefer flavored sparkling water over alcohol, mushrooms over medicine and food freedom over restricting. 

get to know me

I’m on a mission to help high achieving women feel good in their body, feel peace in the soul, and achieve greatness in their life. 

by living daily with peace, fulfillment and abundance - because girl, that’s what you deserve!


to be more of who you truly are and intentionally craft a life that fulfills your soul's purpose.


by learning how to regulate your nervous system. 


I want to help you...

I have deep knowledge and experience from many practices, cultures and approaches as a personal trainer, a corporate wellness consultant, a macros coach, a fitness competitor, and a dance coach. This diversified holistic approach to health became my passion and obsession. This kind of holistic health that blends the East and West, changed my life to come off all the meds, to feel at peace, to regulate my nervous system, and to truly thrive.

And that is why I knew I had to share this unique blend with the world. 

For years, I committed myself to not only heal and expand myself, but also to study the body, the mind, and spirituality by working with gurus, experts, and mentors all over the world. 

I didn’t want to be controlled by medication or manipulated by how society said I should live my life. So I quit my corporate job, moved to Australia, and hit the reset button on life. 

Today, when I walk down the street I look for how it’s all working in my favor. When I feel stressed, I tune into my body and know how to rest and revive. When I have big dreams, I believe in my soul they are possible and make them happen. I don’t go through life full of stress, anxiety, or fear anymore. I don’t go through life alone because every day I see how the universe has my back. In a word, nowadays, my life feels like magic.

But I didn’t always believe this was possible, I was a skeptic. 

I grew up never knowing exactly what I wanted to do with my life, I just knew I wanted to help people. In the past, I lived in victim energy and didn’t even know it. I was put on anti-depressents when I was 14, birth control at 16, and ADHD meds at 24. I walked through the world feeling like I wasn’t lucky enough or smart enough to have the dream life I desired. But in my soul that didn’t feel right. I felt like my soul was shouting from the rooftops “You are meant to do big things!” And that’s when I realized, there MUST be another way.   

Well my life today looks a lot different than it did 10+ years ago. 

So how did I get here? 

Life Coach & Inner Work Guide

SCIENCE & spirituality
My process is a unique blend of

Manifestation and embodiment:

Inner work

Heal and regulate the nervous system

Manifestation and embodiment:

Inner work

First, taking an analytical look at your health and lifestyle habits. From your eating habits and daily movement, to morning routines and work/life balance. As well as your money mindset, your relationships and your sense of belief in yourself, it all applies when it comes to your mental, physical and spiritual body. The goal here is to reduce inflammation, quiet the noise and allow the voice of your intuition to come through. 

Heal and regulate the nervous system

Manifestation and embodiment:

We then move to the inner work, looking at who you are, and what needs to be unlearned and newly acquired to become the person you want to be with the life you want to have. It is addressing the subconscious ego, that has created limiting beliefs about what we can and cannot achieve in this lifetime. Breaking down those barriers and leading with the path of your true, inner self, to become the highest, most upleveled version of you. 

Inner work

Heal and regulate the nervous system

The third stage is quite possibly my favorite. It’s a combination of manifestation and embodiment. What does that mean? Well, if you closed your eyes for a moment and imagined your dream life, the kind of life that makes your body feel calm, your spirit feel free and brings a smile across your face - that’s the life I’m talking about. Manifestation and embodiment are tools to help make that dream life happen with your eyes open. But first it requires a little bit of healing, a dash of inner work, and believing that magic is real. 

Manifestation and embodiment:

Inner work

Heal and regulate the nervous system

self love

bask in financial abundance

live peacefully

live free


To Create

self love

bask in financial abundance

live peacefully

live free


To Create

self love

bask in financial abundance

live peacefully

live free


To Create

self love

bask in financial abundance

live peacefully

live free


To Create

self love

bask in financial abundance

live peacefully

live free


To Create

self love

bask in financial abundance

live peacefully

live free


To Create

If you could just, be? Imagine your potential: 

Imagine what your life could be if you had no limitations, no labels, no restrictions.

And I can help you get there.

You can have peace, live freely, and achieve greatness in your life.

You don’t have to live a life led by stress, fatigue and indecision. 

I have first-hand seen the magic that this work can do and the ripple effect it has on both the individual and this world. Even believing 1% of this can make a change. As you open up, learn new ways of operating, and evolve into your upleveled self, your energy shifts to a more positive, higher frequency. The universe matches this energy, and brings you the people, things and experiences that are higher frequency and abundance in physical form. The universe will bring you your dream life once you become the energy that matches that dream life. 

I believe that our time on earth was not meant to be lived in such a programmed, structured way with walls blocking us from our potential. I never fit into a box (I’m guessing you feel the same way). So I decided to break down the walls and not accept the societal norms, pressure and limitations. I decided to live a life full of magic. And I promise no matter how skeptical you might be, if there’s even 1% of you that thinks there is another way to live your life, it’s possible for you too.

This is possible for you. 


Ally Berdan

I started working with Emily after a particularly challenging season in life – one that made me wonder if I would ever have the confidence I once had and the ability to trust myself ever again. In one of our initial sessions, Emily asked me to envision my dream life. Through our 1:1 sessions, Emily prompted me to rediscover what makes me tick and find what my ‘why’ is, what I am working towards, what brightens up my day every day, what tools I have to support the highs and lows of life, who my tribe is, and ultimately, how to trust my intuition. I found what it means to truly love myself in all ways, which I never thought was possible. I went from an insecure girl questioning my worth daily, to a girl who can proudly look in the mirror, embracing how far I have come and boldly living where my feet are at each day as I work towards living a life I never even could have dreamed of.

My life has drastically changed, for the better! I am able to show up for myself each and every day, which has in turn, enabled me to show up for those around me and bring a whole new energy to friendships, relationships, and work.

I found how to fill my time with the people and activities that bring out the best in me… growth can be lonely at times, but creating space enables you to attract the most beautiful people around you and fill your time with new things that set you free. Emily helped me find intention in all that I do, in order to live a more purposeful life.

What I loved most about working with Emily was how much she invested in seeing me achieve my dream life – she held me accountable when I needed it, opened up about her own journey to help guide me through situations, supported me through every step of the way, and never told me what to do but rather prompted me to discover the answers on my own. She tailored every session entirely to what was most top of mind for me, enabling me to shape our time together how it would benefit me the most while also ensuring we didn’t skip through the hard conversations. I know she is fully invested in helping me reach my goals, and will be a cheerleader and resource for life as I navigate what’s ahead.

I experienced tremendous growth during my 3 years of coaching with Emily. In November of 2020, I had hit rock bottom. Nothing in my life made sense. I was in a consistent cycle of self sabotage, I had extremely low self esteem and I still had a lot of healing to do from past traumas in my childhood and in young adulthood. The emotional pain was so immense I knew I couldn't keep living the way I had been and started to seek out help. That's when I found Emily. She gave me the knowledge and the tools to start to heal and transform my life one day at a time. She kept me accountable and honest about my setbacks and empowered me to continue doing the work. I would have never found a traditional counselor or therapist that could have coached me and encouraged me in so many facets of my life the way that Emily did. She helped me with health & fitness, boundary setting, trauma healing, anxiety, professional goals... You name it, She did it.

She helped me love myself again. The journey and the internal work never ends, but building a beautiful, peaceful, and happy life is possible. I didn't know how good this life could be before I started this work with Emily. I am forever changed. 

Jacqueline Harris

I have experienced immense growth throughout my time with Emily. When I started working with her, I was lost in my life, I felt stuck, and I just needed help. Like for real, my life was a complete mess. Between being stuck in a career I hated, to recently ending a long term relationship, and having no idea what I wanted from life, I was not in a good place when our paths crossed. From the beginning, I felt comfortable in not only opening up to Emily, but also to myself. There were a lot of things I had a hard time admitting and she was able to draw them out of me without judgement. With each session, I felt like I was gaining my confidence back and I felt like I had a clear path that I could follow in order to reach my goals. Nothing that we did felt overwhelming or impossible as we took time to break things down into achievable steps. After working with Emily for almost three years, you can imagine how much my life has changed. 

I can truly say that with her help I have not only found my purpose but I am living my purpose. My career, my business, my relationships with friends and family, my overall health, and my mindset have gone though many changes throughout this time. Emily has challenged me to never settle and to let go of and release whatever is holding me back from being my best self. There are so many reasons why I love working with Emily, but to put it simply, she will be your biggest supporter. She wholeheartedly wants to see you succeed and will work with you in order for your goals to become your reality. She celebrates your wins with you, she holds your hand when you need it, and she is just overall a kind, free spirited, and loving human. I couldn’t have asked for a better coach, mentor, and friend to help me though this journey of life. 

Kaylyn Risse

I have seen a tremendous amount of growth. Like that time, I threw caution to the wind and quit my job without a plan. Yeah, it was a leap of faith, and guess what? I landed on my feet, even better than where I started. Talk about a quantum leap! Setting boundaries, both at work and in my personal life, has become second nature. I used to feel like an imposter in my job, but not anymore. I see myself as the leader I truly am. My relationship with food—it's been quite a journey. Sure, there are moments when I still struggle, but that's all part of the beautiful work in progress. Trusting myself more has been a game-changer. I've dug deep and discovered so much about who I am and who I want to be, and am still figuring it out, but I know it's in there somewhere. Connecting the dots between my past behaviors and my present decisions? Yep, that's happened too. I've had countless epiphanies and realizations about the ups and downs of life. Perhaps the most profound lesson of all: I've learned that I'm the captain of my ship. Everything I want, everything I want to become—it's all within my control. It's been a wild ride, and I'm excited to see where this journey takes me next!

How has this impacted your life?
I'm now the proud owner of a house! I've rekindled my love affair with cooking. It's like I've found a secret ingredient for happiness in my own kitchen! But hold on to your hat because there's more.

I've completely busted out of those time-bound boxes I used to trap myself in. No more limits, just endless possibilities. And on the career front, things are really cooking too. I've become a VP and now lead a dynamic team of 20+ awesome people. Every day brings a fresh, exciting challenge, and it's seriously invigorating. Speaking of confidence, I've got it in spades. I found a hidden stash of self-assurance somewhere along the way. And here's the real kicker: I've cracked the code on separating my personal and professional life. Can you believe it? A work-life balance that I once thought was as mythical as a unicorn; now it's a reality.

My favorite part of work with Emily is the constant reassurance that I am moving in the right direction, the brutal truth. So many people tend to sugarcoat things, and it distorts reality. The fact that I can be vulnerable and work through all the things and challenge myself to be better to be free, and not once have I ever felt judged or ashamed. I have become a better version of myself with just some extra help, guidance, and some slight nudging. 

Stephanie Bennett

      elieve that you can have a life beyond your wildest dreams

and you will see it happen