now it’s time to make your dreams a reality. 

You have worked so hard for what you want in your life, 

→ Making clear decisions
→ Physical fatigue
→ Confidence 
→ Anger, jealousy or irritability
→ Feelings of depression or anxiety
→ Being creative 
→ Pivoting or starting your business
→ Knowing you are made for more, but not sure for what

You can achieve everything you want in this life, but right now you’re struggling with:

My programs are different in that we start with YOU. The reason that nothing seems to be flowing in your life is because everything stems from YOU. Your outer world directly reflects your inner world. So if you are not in alignment, it’s very hard for anything else in your life to work, much less thrive. 

And this is exactly what I help you achieve. 

Achieve BIG things (beyond your wildest dreams)

Feel peaceful and calm in your inner world

Find flow in your life

Achieve BIG things (beyond your wildest dreams)

Feel peaceful and calm in your inner world

Find flow in your life

Achieve BIG things (beyond your wildest dreams)

Feel peaceful and calm in your inner world

Find flow in your life

By doing so, you will:

In order to succeed, you’re going to need to prioritize YOU first

How We Can Work Together

Are you ready for it?

An intimate, customized 6-month guided journey to help you find YOU again. We will work together to help you heal from past patterns holding you back, evolve into the next level version of you, and learn how to live a life where you thrive every day. This is your path to making an everlasting impact on this earth, achieving greatness and living a life beyond your wildest dreams. Your happiest, healthiest you awaits. 

1:1 coaching


You reached a level of success in your life and thought it would bring you more happiness, but instead are left feeling “empty”

You’ve done therapy (for a while) and you’re ready for something more 

You have dabbled in personal development/spirituality, but it hasn’t truly become an innate part of your day to day life 

You know that you are made for more than what you are currently doing!

You want peace, balance and flow in your life


First, we will take an analytical look at your health and lifestyle habits. From your eating habits and daily movement, to morning routines and work/life balance. As well as your money mindset, your relationships and your sense of belief in yourself. It all applies when it comes to your mental, physical and spiritual body. Through this process, you will find a feeling of calm, peace and flow. 

Regulate the body & nervous system



Next, we move to the inner work, looking at who you are, and what needs to be unlearned and newly acquired to become the person you want to be and have the life you want to have. Together we address the subconscious ego that has created limiting beliefs about what we can and cannot achieve in this lifetime, and breakdown those barriers. Ultimately, this leads to the path of your true, inner self, to become the highest, most upleveled version of you. This work is tricky on your own, as the subconscious ego is great at disguising itself as your true self. But I will help show you the difference between the ego and the true self, guiding you to stay on an aligned path towards what you want most in life. 

Subconscious Inner Work



The third stage is my absolute favorite. This is the fun part where we go from “life is good” to “life is AMAZING” by adding magic to your life. It’s a combination of manifestation, energy work and spiritual embodiment. We work with positive frequencies, laws of the universe, meditations and quantum leaping to create your dream life. Then, we put together everything that you’ve learned: to embody your highest self, create a sustainable, balanced business, and live a life that FINALLY allows you to be happy, peaceful and free.  

Manifestation & Embodiment


My process is a unique 3 step formula that combines holistic health techniques, subconscious inner work and spiritual energetics to help you achieve greatness in your life. 

Are you ready to create your dream life? 

$800/month for 6 months

  • Three 75 minute 1:1 calls via Zoom 
  • Initial deep dive to create a custom gameplan for our 6 months to give us goals and keep us on track
  • Daily chat support available via Telegram app Monday through Friday with responses in 24hrs or less to continue to work on micro elements and accountability throughout your week 
  • Ever Evolving course access 
  • Library of resources (everything from coaching guides to meditations)

This is a one-off, in-depth 1:1 session to dive into one specific area of your life that is blocking you (see options below). These intensives are designed to help you gain insight & clarity as to how to get unstuck and move forward with your goals. With the right questions, support and reframes, big changes can happen very quickly. You’ll leave this session feeling relief, having clarity and inspiration to make impactful changes in your life. You’ll also receive tangible to-dos and guidance to help you hit the reset button and get back on track to living your best life possible.

1:1 Intensives


This is a major *makeover* to reframe how you view money and how money plays a role in your life. We will uncover your money blocks and deep dive into your relationship with money. Then, we will craft custom reframes, insights & action steps to help *makeover* your money mindset to help you figure out what has been holding you back from your limitless, money earning potential. 

Money Mindset Makeover


This is an energy, focus & habits reset for entrepreneurs. I’m guessing you are busy doing all the things, feeling exhausted and wondering if “balance” is actually possible. Through this audit & reset, we will deep dive into understanding the intention & purpose behind everything in your day to day life: your business productivity, self care routine, and relationships with your partner, friendships and family. Then we will craft a custom gameplan to implement new, more aligned habits to help your business work around your dream life, not the other way around. It’s time to get your energy back, learn how to thrive, and feel amazing again!

Energy & Focus Revive


Are you ready to create your dream life? 

$497 one time payment

  • One pre-session assignment
  • One-90 minute deep dive session via Zoom
  • 2 weeks of Telegram messaging 
  • A custom game plan for the next 2-4 weeks


“Emily’s help, support and honesty means everything to me. Didn't think hiring a coach would change my life, but she proved me wrong. Emily helped me find myself one day at a time and that is invaluable.”

Jacqueline Harris

"My life has drastically changed, for the better! I am able to show up for myself each and every day, which has in turn, enabled me to show up for those around me and bring a whole new energy to friendships, relationships, and work. Emily helped me find intention in all that I do, in order to live a more purposeful life."

Ally Berdan

"My favorite part of work with Emily is the constant reassurance that I am moving in the right direction, the brutal truth. So many people tend to sugarcoat things, and it distorts reality. The fact that I can be vulnerable and work through all the things and challenge myself to be better to be free, and not once have I ever felt judged or ashamed. I have become a better version of myself with just some extra help, guidance, and some slight nudging."

Stephanie Bennett

          re you ready to start living your upleveled life?